Photos and Art
Teaching With Technology Portforlio
Powerpoint Presentation
My Resume
Primary Source Lesson Plan
Essential Question LP
Graphic Organizer
Student Internet Research LP
Star Testing
Database Assignment
Assistive Technology for Blind and Low Vision Students
Photos and Art

Mrs. Ramella's Electronic Portfolio for Educ. 9045B

Here is a link to a great Van Gogh site

Here are some photos and some of my favorite art work from Van Gogh.  There are pieces of artwork drifting through galleries around the world that have become nearly synonymous with the artists name and techniques. The various paintings of Sunflowers and Vincent van Gogh are a perfect example of this. Not only can one make a mental connection between the artists name and painting but also between the artist and their influence on the development of art through these paintings. Vincent van Gogh's Sunflower paintings have been duplicated many times by various artists (although never reaching the vivacity and intensity of Van Gogh's) and displayed everywhere; from households to art expos.

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